L. Chumarova (Чумарова)1, G. Fassakhova2, A. Yarkhamova3, E. Slepneva4

1Ms., Кazan (Volga region) Federal University, RUSSIA,

2Ms., Kazan State Agrarian University, RUSSIA,

3Ms., Kazan State Agrarian University, RUSSIA,

4Ms., Kazan National Research Technological University, Kazan, Russia,



In the article the authors analyzed the usage of child’s lore in teaching the second language at university with different levels of communicative skills. The aim of the research was to study the educational value of folk child’s lore of the second language. How and what exercises are able to achieve the maximum effect in developing better pronunciation, grammar, dialogues, and monologs speech of students. Child’s lore was used during the classes. The students of the 1th year of the Institute of International Relationship, State Agricultural University, Technological University took part at the experiment. The work was lasted for one year. The authors of three universities used child’s lore for different educational and bringing up purposes, for example to correct pronunciation skills as nursery rhymes, or to develop communication skills (question games, rhymes of “peace makers, native myths, legends, fairy rales etc.). The novelty of the research is the usage of child’s lore at the secondary language classes with students of different level of knowledge, and different directions of education: students of humanitarian sciences to the technical sciences. The results of the study were the creation of some interesting exercises which helped students quickly learn communication, correct pronunciation, develop their grammatical and lexical knowledge. The students enjoyed taking part in creating their own limericks, rhymes of “peacemakers, nursery rhymes.  they their interest in involvement into the atmosphere of studying history, culture, ethics and aesthetics of the people whose language they learn. In the article the authors give some exercises which are able to use during practical work.

The authors think that the article will be interesting for teachers of the secondary languages and linguists in the further development of theoretical and practical issues in language teaching.

Keywords: education, second language, native language, foreign language, pedagogical value, communicative skills, development.



CITATION:Abstracts & Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2022- 9th International Conference on Education and Education of Social Sciences, 13-14 June 2022

ISBN: 978-605-06286-6-1